

CC每年提供广泛的教师主导的暑期课程.  On this page you can get essential information about the format for CC Summer Blocks Away, then visit our Past 项目 page to see an array of courses offered in recent years.  Our listing of the upcoming summer's courses is typically added in late October, 11月下旬开始申请.  还有一个页面专门为夏季街区提供账单和援助.  You will find link buttons at the bottom of this page as well as several PDF files on subjects relevant to summer study away with 科罗拉多大学. 

一个夏日街区之遥就是你所期待的, 单一课程, CC教师授课, that takes place pretty much anywhere beyond the CC campus and El Paso county.  科罗拉多大学 typically offers between 10-16 different destinations each year, 从洛杉矶这样的国际大都市, 纽约, 巴黎和东京, 到喜马拉雅山的乡村, 厄瓜多尔雨林, 或者西班牙的卡斯蒂利亚平原.  

所有的课程都是CC的课程, built into our curriculum and requiring no outside transcripts or transfer of credit.  课程旅行, 生活, 和CC的教职员工一起学习, 与我们的专业和通识教育课程一起提供, 通常提供全校范围的毕业要求选择.  

CC暑期街区是一个扩展学习的机会, 向小调或大调方向发展, 将学科知识与经验学习相结合, 并将你的脚趾浸入到出国留学的欢迎水域中, 也许是将来一个学期的垫脚石, 也许这是个千载难逢的探索机会.  

Every November the list of the upcoming summer's Block Away programs is released, and in late November or early December we hold our Summer Blocks Away Fair in the Worner Center.  今年的夏季街区集市将是 11月30日, from 12-2pm in the Worner Campus Center, to announce the Summer 2024 offerings. 学生可以探索所有的选择, 和领导这个项目的老师谈谈, and decide if any of this year's programs are good fits for their interests and academic goals. 

全球教育 always recommends that students apply as early in the application window as possible.  Many programs use rolling admissions and can potentially close before the January window closure.  最好和学院领导谈谈你的兴趣, and to apply as early in the window as you are able to give yourself the best opportunity to join a given program. 

一旦你选择了一个程序, apply on the Summit online platform (全球教育 portal) by the end of January to be considered for both program approval and a potential financial aid award to help reduce the cost of travel. When you complete the Summit application for the CC Summer Program you are interested in, you are then automatically also reviewed for financial aid eligibility - there is no separate application for summer aid for Blocks Away. Awards can cover up to 90% of the course's program fee as well as the anticipated cost of airfare to get you there. 

夏日街区有两个收费标准.  首先是CC暑期学费.  大多数课程是1单元(1块)的课程, 也就是说他们有夏季街区的标准收费标准, 就像在校园里一样.  好消息是,如果这是你在CC的第一个暑期课程,外卡"赠款将自动应用到您的帐户, wiping out the tuition charge as if it were a coupon or gift card for one free summer class.  

费用的第二部分是项目费用.  这些价格通常从1美元起,500-$5,000, 取决于课程, 的位置, 以及停留的时间.  项目费用包括校外课程的现场费用, 包括所有房屋, 地面运输, 远足, 指令, 集体活动, 组餐, 旅行和健康保险(针对国际项目).  The program fee also includes a meal allowance for any meals not set up as full-组餐.  暑期班有专门针对该项目费用的援助.  没有单独的援助申请. 

学生 approved for summer courses are automatically reviewed for aid eligibility.  学生 who receive need-based aid at the College for their academic year costs are eligible to also receive aid specific to the summer block away program costs.  援助 recipients are typically notified of their award within 2 weeks of the application deadline, 有足够的时间来决定这个项目在经济上是否可行.  

课程费用不包括机票, 但是作为所有助学金项目成本的一部分来计算, 意思是学生得60分, 80% or 90% award would receive that percentage of coverage for both the program fee and the estimated airfare charge (based on round trip to/from Denver).

所有暑期课程的退课截止日期都是3月15日.  学生 who withdraw by that date pay no program fee charges and are not penalized for their change of heart.  在此截止日期之后取款可能会导致逾期取款费用.  这些费用列在我们的 计费 & 金融为夏季街区离开页

注意: The Summer in Spain program typically has an earlier February 15 withdrawal deadline due to the need to book a group flight (Chicago-Madrid) for a large student group.  

如果你是美国人.S. 公民或永久居民: If you have never obtained a passport and are in need of financial support in applying for a passport to participate in a CC off-campus program, 你可以申请一个 学术机会补助金 来帮你支付一些费用. 

如果你有一个U.S. 护照, be sure to check that the passport is valid for 6 months after the end date of your program.  Many countries will not allow entry with a passport that is within six months of its expiration date. 

警告: 护照处理时间越来越长. 

Times required to obtain a new passport or to renew a passport have grown considerably over the past year.  It now can take 4 months or longer to obtain a renewal or a new passport with standard service.  即使是加急服务也可能需要长达3个月的时间来处理.  If you need a new passport or need to renew your passport, we recommend that you do so 立即,甚至在申请和批准一个街区之前. 

If you are an International Student, studying in the USA on an F-1 or J-1 visa, p请注意,您可能会有额外的费用和要求,而不是常见的美国.S. 公民.  这些包括:
  • You may be required to obtain a visa for entry to the program’s host country when U.S. 公民则不然. 签证通常需要支付费用.
  • You may need to schedule visa appointments through consular offices outside of Colorado and travel independently to these appointments.
  • 你可能需要提前申请这些时间段.
  • Financial aid does not cover any of these costs connected to applying for these visas for any block off-campus programs

If you believe you will need financial support in order to obtain the necessary visa for a program to which you have been accepted, 请联系环球教育.  全球教育(全球教育)提供有限的资金. 

学生 may withdraw from any Summer 2024 off-campus course by this date and incur no program fee charges. Later withdrawals can lead to a portion of the program fee being billed to the student as a nonrefundable charge.

教师 leaders for all the 2025 夏天校外 Blocks will be on hand to provide you with the information you need to pick the best summer study away option for you. 

2024年11月31日- 2025年1月17日
报名截止日期为1月17日.  All students who apply during this window are reviewed for aid eligibility and aid awards are granted by the end of the month.  申请可以在窗口外接受, 但在1月份窗口关闭后,可能无法获得援助. 
全球教育 always recommends that students apply as early in the application window as possible.  Many programs use rolling admissions and can potentially close before the January window closure.  最好和学院领导谈谈你的兴趣, and to apply as early in the window as you are able to give yourself the best opportunity to join a given program. 

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报告问题 - 最后更新: 04/01/2024